Monday, January 28, 2013


It's here!! Moving week is here!!! Do we know where we're moving yet??? NO! Is that ok?? YES! I think this is the first morning I woke up super excited for what we're going to be doing. I'm a little anxious because of course I'd like to start planning...but I think having the move to focus on (and control) is making me feel a lot better. I had my first 'see ya later' at work...not fun, but my co-workers are so excited and supportive.

So why do I say 'see ya later' instead of 'goodbye'? It's something I learned while I was working at camp. We don't do goodbyes. That would mean that I don't plan on seeing the person again. 'See ya later' is just that...I will see you later.

So Eli and I have our list for the day! Hopefully today is the day I find out where we're going! In my mind our adventure is starting today...riiiiiight now :)

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

My Personal Craziness

So, I worked two days this week (only 4 left!!!) and I have this weird thing that seems to happen to me. Before a vacation or a ton of days off SOMETHING happens...I'm like 'bring it on'. For example before I left for Okoboji--rapid response. Before I left for the Black Hills- 2 rapid responses. Before I left for Vegas- code. Next to last week of work- rapid response...that I called for the wrong room. My other patient was probably like "whaaat"  (said like the minion from Despicable Me) Good job Liz. Last night I had a minor/major freakout over leaving. Lots of tears. Long phone call to my mom. My sister just relocated to Atlanta and she had some good advice for me. She told me to take it easy on myself and that moving is hard. It's way easier said than done, but it makes it nice to have such a great support system at work and at home.

On the moving front we're still not sure where we're going. My recruiter is working really hard to get me placed though! I brought home a huge stack of boxes yesterday from work. I was that person that is carrying so much she can't see where she was going and consequently dropped one on a visitor (she was super nice about it) and ran into a pole in the parking garage. If only someone was video taping me :) I haven't figured out how to put pictures on my blog yet, but when I do I'll start posting!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Move is Coming

It's hard to believe my days on Med/Onc are numbered. I'm really nervous to leave, but I know I can handle it. Yesterday a few of my patients needed procedures that I'd never done before...learning is never done in nursing. I did it though (with awesome help from my co-workers)!!!! Eli and I found our storage unit earlier this week too. The move is coming! My recruiter is sending me jobs and it's a blast looking into them. Scary, but awesome!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Starting at the Beginning

Hello and welcome to our blog! I'm so excited to share our adventure with you guys.  Let's back up a little bit to how this whole travel nursing thing started. Eli and I both grew up in the midwest and while it is a truly great place we wanted to get out and stretch our wings. One of my 2012 goals was to find a new job. That wasn't happening so I went to plan B. I pitched the idea of me being a travel nurse to Eli and he was on board almost right away! Eli has his architecture degree so a move to a bigger city would be extremely beneficial to him. Next step: research. I looked at several different companies before making my decision to travel with Medical Solutions. I have a recruiter that matches me up with jobs that meet my requirements--and we started talking back in August! Bless his heart for being so patient with me. So long story short--we're moving!!! Not sure where we're going yet, but it's like waiting for another Christmas to find out! Honestly, we're both a little nervous and I'm extremely sad to be leaving my work family, but I think this is going to be an amazing life experience for the two of us!

PS-If you're thinking about travel nursing I would suggest doing your research and finding a company that fits your needs. My opinions about my company are my own.