Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!!!

Ok, Halloween is not my most favorite holiday, I've been known to hang out in my apartment with my roommate, I think we said 'hiding from everything scary' or something like that. However, Eli and I have noticed that people here love Halloween--they really get into it with their yard decorations. Our apartment is on the same block as an old cemetery as well. Early in the morning the fog hangs out around the gravestones--super creepy. We're going to be watching a comedy tonight and I'm making turkey chili and cinnamon rolls! (Huge candy bar--in the spirit of Halloween!)

Monday, October 28, 2013

Vacation This Weekend!

My five days off were glorious! We didn't end up doing anything over the weekend as Eli started working during the week, so we just wanted to hang out. I worked all weekend and then tomorrow and Wednesday then....Niagra Falls! We're going to hit up a state park on the way up there too--I'm psyched. Eli works from 6:30 to 3 so we don't get to see each other much during the week. It's getting cold out here--we had to scrape the car on Wednesday. It won't be too long and we'll have to turn on the heat! It's hard to believe it's almost November--some of the grocery stores have Christmas candy out already. I don't work Halloween (yay!) and since I hate being scared we're going to make gumbo and watch a comedy!  (Throwback to Seattle)

Friday, October 18, 2013

5 Days of R and R

Whew! I worked 3 days in a row this week and now I have 5 days off! The first two have been fabulous, lots of Bravo and tea! I'm sure we'll figure out something to do this weekend, but it's been nice just having the time to relax!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

A Week of Travel- Delaware, Philadelphia, and Wellsboro

It has been a very busy week for Eli and I! We started off last weekend driving to Rehoboth Beach Delaware (check getting to the coast off our list!). The drive there was about five hours, but it felt like it took so.long. Rehoboth reminded me of Daytona Beach--condos, seafood restaurants, and surf shops everywhere. We lucked out big time with the weather--it was sunny and in the 80s. We spent the whole day relaxing on the beach and exploring the boardwalk. Eli and I went out to a great seafood dinner that night too. Super fun!

Then we came back to Williamsport since I had to work a day and it was off on another adventure. Eli's parents came into town to visit and we headed off to Philadelphia. We took a bus tour where you get to sit on top of the bus, which was a great way to see the city. Of course we had to get an authentic cheesesteak, which was delish. My favorite part was going to the Penn Museum which as our tour guide said "If you like anything having to do with people you should go there." Artifacts from all over the world--Indiana Jones things is how Eli described it to me. There was a huge exhibit on Ancient Egypt complete with a sphinx and mummies--I find that whole time period and place so interesting.

After a few days in Philly we drove to Wellsboro PA which is north of Williamsport for a scenic train tour of the fall foliage. The colors were really great and again we lucked out with the weather. It's been really busy out here in PA--it's hard to believe we've been here over a month already--time is flying by!
(Us on the beach in Delaware, Liberty Bell, Mummies, Pine Creek Gorge)

Friday, October 4, 2013

Pine Creek State Park

The weather has been warm and sunny the past few days so Eli and I took advantage and headed to Pine Creek State Park for a little hiking. I know I keep saying it, but the colors out here are getting to be so so pretty. We had a lot of fun exploring and hiking on a trail that went right down by little Pine Creek. It was warm and windy--very nice. We are leaving today for Delaware--we're staying right on the beach--and the weather is 80 and sunny!! (Eli at the start of trail, Pretty colors x2)