Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Starting at the Beginning

Hello and welcome to our blog! I'm so excited to share our adventure with you guys.  Let's back up a little bit to how this whole travel nursing thing started. Eli and I both grew up in the midwest and while it is a truly great place we wanted to get out and stretch our wings. One of my 2012 goals was to find a new job. That wasn't happening so I went to plan B. I pitched the idea of me being a travel nurse to Eli and he was on board almost right away! Eli has his architecture degree so a move to a bigger city would be extremely beneficial to him. Next step: research. I looked at several different companies before making my decision to travel with Medical Solutions. I have a recruiter that matches me up with jobs that meet my requirements--and we started talking back in August! Bless his heart for being so patient with me. So long story short--we're moving!!! Not sure where we're going yet, but it's like waiting for another Christmas to find out! Honestly, we're both a little nervous and I'm extremely sad to be leaving my work family, but I think this is going to be an amazing life experience for the two of us!

PS-If you're thinking about travel nursing I would suggest doing your research and finding a company that fits your needs. My opinions about my company are my own.

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