Monday, January 28, 2013


It's here!! Moving week is here!!! Do we know where we're moving yet??? NO! Is that ok?? YES! I think this is the first morning I woke up super excited for what we're going to be doing. I'm a little anxious because of course I'd like to start planning...but I think having the move to focus on (and control) is making me feel a lot better. I had my first 'see ya later' at work...not fun, but my co-workers are so excited and supportive.

So why do I say 'see ya later' instead of 'goodbye'? It's something I learned while I was working at camp. We don't do goodbyes. That would mean that I don't plan on seeing the person again. 'See ya later' is just that...I will see you later.

So Eli and I have our list for the day! Hopefully today is the day I find out where we're going! In my mind our adventure is starting today...riiiiiight now :)

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