Saturday, February 2, 2013

The Last 48

Ohmygosh! The past few days have been cr-a-zy! So backing up...Monday I had two phone calls from different hospitals, one in Washington and one in Colorado Springs! I was super excited. Mom said "It's like waiting for a baby to be born!" I was thinking, OK not quite, but yes super fun! I ended up picking--WASHINGTON!!!! I start of February 25th! Begin--last day of work.

It's very bittersweet leaving my job. I had lots of tears those last two days. I've made so many amazing friends through work and it makes me tearful just thinking about leaving them. My last day actually went really well. I did one last transfer and it was kind of funny because my patient (bless his heart) slept through the whole snored...I wish I could sleep like that! One of my co-workers even brought a giant cookie (Thanks Megan!) Tonight I'm having a little going away party, which I'm really looking forward to. A good friend of mine from work who helped put it together is up at Children's Hospital because her little one is sick. If you could keep her and her family in your prayers that'd be so appreciated. Eli and I are going to do some wedding things too during the next few weeks and then we're OFF! We're going to go to Wilton and drop off his car at his parents'. On the way, we might pop by the outlets and get some cute rain gear! Have a great weekend friends!!!

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