Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Tuesday, Tuesday...So Eli was awesome this morning and got up and went for a run--he wanted a legit. workout so I didn't go with him--motivation for me to become a better runner. We drove to Sumner WA today, which is about 10 minutes east of Puyallup. First thing, when we pulled into the first intersection we get to, there was Mt. Rainer right in front of us!!!! I freaked out. Let me explain: While we were out this weekend exploring it was kind of cloudy so you saw some of the lower smaller mountains and I thought that was it. I was like--cool. Then this morning it was BAM mountain. Of course I was driving so I couldn't take a picture then we drove into town and you couldn't really see it, then on our way out it clouded over. Weird.

Ok, Sumner was super cute. We went to lunch at this little place called the Windmill Bistro. The word I would use to describe it was lovely. It was the kind of place that my sisters, mom, and grandma would go to to have a tea party (a real one and yes they do exist) Eli had a turkey club; I had clam chowder and half a salad. All were delish. Then we went antiquing :) I had a blast. Then it was back to Puyallup! Plan for tomorrow: glass museum in Tacoma. I.am.pumped. (pics: tree sculpture on the trail; our extended stay room)

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