Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Museum of Glass

Today we ventured out of Puyallup to Tacoma, which is about a 15 minute drive away. We went to the Museum of Glass (first check off the Washington Bucket List!). It was really cool, a little smaller than I expected, but neat none the less. The museum had one gallery with pieces from different glass artists. It was interesting because when I think about glass I think of Dale Chihuly who is originally from Tacoma. There are so many different styles other than his so that was cool to see. I will admit that Chihuly's is my favorite so far--I like the 'wavy quality' his pieces have. There was also a live glass blowing demonstration. I bet it's way harder than it looks. Eli and I are planning on taking a class while we're out here! There was a really cool bridge connecting the museum district. At the beginning there was a huge wall that was sectioned off and had Chihuly pieces in each section. Then in the middle of the bridge there were two large installations. Last, the ceiling at the end of the bridge had a collage of Chihuly pieces--very cool.

Then we tried to go to lunch. The review of this place was "It is in a super sketchy neighborhood, but if you can get past that the food is great." Awesome. So we tried to get there and could.not. find it! We scratched that idea and did a deli instead.  It was a dive too--in a gas station, but the sandwiches were very tasty. Worth it!


  1. So awesome!!! When is your start date now? Have you played the creepy visitor and gone to the hospital you will be working at just to look at it--walking by the nurse's stations and making sure to check everything out?

    Love the blog. Miss ya tons!

  2. Hiii! I start March 11th! I haven't played creepy visitor yet, but I'm sure I will. Miss you too!!!!!!
