Thursday, February 21, 2013

Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, and Oregon

Eli and I have been taking pictures of state signs as we make our way across to Washington and it's CRAZY to think we've driven through 4 states in the past two days! Last night we stayed in Salt Lake City--we went and saw Temple Square, which was really neat. It started snowing last night too, which was pretty. Not going to lie I got pretty homesick though. I remembered my time as a PD at Camp Foster and Eli asked me what I would tell a camper that was homesick (I've helped a kid or two with this issue). A good cry and a night of sleep seemed to do the trick.

Then we pushed off today and headed for Oregon! This was our long day (8ish hours). I drove through a chunk of Idaho and it was kind of funny because to the right of the car it looked like Nebraska and then you looked out the left and there were huge mountains! We've taken tons of pictures of the different scenery--the hills/mountains in Oregon look like they're covered with dark green velvet. I'm excited to get them into an album to share with everyone. Eli and I have done pretty good avoiding the snow--we did hit a little up in the mountains in Oregon.

Side note: I don't think I'm going to be able to eat Subway for a LONG time! We've had it for everyday we've been on the, quick, fairly healthy.

(Pics: Church at Temple Square; scenery in Oregon; scenery in Utah)

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