Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Santa Fe

Eli and I drove up to Santa Fe today. It was really fun! The two of us really wanted to see the Loretto Chapel with the miraculous staircase--so that was our first stop. On the way there we popped into a pottery gallery. The pieces were so beautiful and intricate. Going into the chapel there was a cherry tree (or some other flowering tree) with a picture of The Virgin Mary in front of it. It was really cool because people had hung several rosaries on it. The staircase was impressive and story behind it is interesting (I pasted the link to it below). Afterwards, we headed off  to a coffee shop and I got drinking chocolate. It was so rich and delicious. Eli wanted to visit the Art Museum, so we went through that. We bought a few prints from the gift shop that will be fun to take home. Then we headed to lunch!! I got chalupas and Eli had green chili stew--both came with sopapillas. One of my favorite things about New Mexico is the food--it is SO good. It was a fun short trip!! (Loretto Chapel, Prints, Art Museum)

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