Monday, February 4, 2013


So, since I'm not starting until February 25th I figured I'd jump on the opportunity to get some wedding stuff done! At first, Eli was a little bummed we were going to have "down time"...that lasted like 5 minutes because then I got out my wedding binder/planner. I'm lucky I have a fiance that's willing to help me, it makes it a lot more enjoyable.

Did a bunch of paperwork today for my assignment. The hospital I'm going to likes to have all the paperwork done one week before your start date. It'll be really nice because I won't have to worry about any of that stuff now! It's all done! We're heading to Iowa tomorrow to drop off Eli's vehicle- then we'll be down to one car...yay sharing!


  1. SOOOO excited for y'all! I had 3 weeks off btwn jobs and it FLEW by, and I'm not planning a wedding! Miss you much, and thoroughly enjoy reading your updates!

  2. Ohhh miss you more Erin! I bet you're dominating your new job!
