Monday, February 25, 2013

Weekend Explorers

The first weekend here in Puyallup was cloudy--a little rainy, but we were able to do lots of exploring. Saturday we got up and walked through the little downtown. It's cute! There is a wine shop and a gourmet cheese shop (Trip Advisor #1 for Puyallup). I'm a member of Health Care Travel Book, which  is kind of like facebook for travelers and one person advised me to make a 'bucket list' of things to do while we're here--loved the idea.

Sunday we walked/jogged on Riverwalk Trail. It was nice, but I want mountains, trees, etc. There was a cool mural though at one of the stops. Then that night Eli and I watched the Oscars--the time change is so bizarre. It was over at like 9pm for us and it would have been midnight for my sister in Atlanta! Today we're doing laundry and it's reminding me of camp when all of the counselors would do laundry together :) It's great because there's a big thing of brochures on things to do here. Side note: My start date was pushed back a couple weeks so we've got time to do some of the things on our list. Lemons to lemonade my friends!

Washington Bucket List (for now):
Mt. Rainer
Glass Blowing Museum
Pikes Place Market


  1. Cute pics :) So glad you guys have some time to explore before your start date!

  2. Yay for some free time -- take in all the sights and sounds!!
