Friday, March 29, 2013

Busy Week

I knew this would happen---we'd get super busy once I started working and time would just start flying by! I worked Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday this week and it's funny to me because I'm starting to realize patients are patients no matter where you are. I find it comforting going to work because it's familiar to me. The weather is starting to get awesome out here! Last night there was a thunderstorm complete with hail and then 15 minutes later it was sunny! Today it's supposed to be in the mid 60s and sunny so Eli and I are going back to Point Defiance to hike. We're celebrating Easter tomorrow because I work on Sunday (it'll be my third Easter I've worked in a row!) and I'm making Applebee's copycat blondies. I'm SO excited!!!!! Salivating already :) (storm last night)

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