Saturday, March 30, 2013

Fabulous Friday

The weather has finally (hopefully permanently) turned the corner! It's been sunny and in the 60s the past few days! So beautiful. Eli and I went back to Point Defiance Park yesterday to go hiking. It was We packed a lunch which included my first attempt at granola!! We parked near the entrance of the park and hiked the Spine Trail which ran through the middle of the park to the very point of the peninsula. The overlook was gorgeous. It was a little bit of a bummer because there were a few clouds in the distance covering the mountains, but it was lovely all the same. It's so different from the parks back home. Trees everywhere and everything is so green. I just can't get over it!

Then we hiked down to Owen Beach. That was probably the best I've felt since we've come out here. It was sunny and warm and there is something comforting just being on a beach like that. We saw lots of critters! I found a sand dollar and I was SO psyched (I've never even seen one on a beach and I've been to Florida several times). Turns out the little guy was still alive so I tossed him back out into the water. We also saw a starfish a little way off shore and a squid or baby octopus on the beach! Owen Beach is a pebble beach so we were thankful for our hiking boots. We sat and soaked up the sun and just enjoyed each other's company. It was an awesome day!! ( Woods, Bridge Overlook, Owen Beach)

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