Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Orientation Week

It's been a long exhausting week so far. I had three days of orientation two of which were orientation to a new charting system. It's a lot to learn. Tomorrow I start my orientation at the hospital on the critical care unit. I'm a little nervous since that is not my area of expertise, but a little excited because I wanted something new and challenging and BAM I'm getting that right off the bat. It's been kind of fun meeting other travelers that will be at the hospital with me! They've got lots of stories and experiences to share. I keep remembering what one of my favorite co-workers from back home told me, "Liz, get in there and do your job." I feel like that is giving me a lot of confidence right now--I'm going to get in there and do what I do a nurse. (New scrubs--apparently I couldn't get away from blue)

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