Sunday, March 10, 2013

Just Kidding

So we got to our apartment on Saturday and loooonnnng story short there was no furniture! Awesome. I called my recruiter right away who put us up in a hotel for the weekend (massive step up from an extended stay) and is taking care of the situation. Eli is going to be the moving rockstar tomorrow since he gets to be in charge of the furniture move-in and our internet installation. Tomorrow is my first day!!! I'm a bundle of nerves. Long tearful conversations with my mom and Eli. I think I'll feel better once I get things rolling. I picked out a business casual outfit that I feel really confident in--and I've gotten lots of encouragement from my Med/Onc fam. Hey guys, I went to buy scrubs today and since I can wear whatever I want I was psyched to try on prints/a different color than navy!! Guess what I ended up with?! Two navy bottoms and solid tops in varying shades of blue :) I guess it's a little different right? We're off to eat a cookies and watch Happy Gilmore...good night before first day of work!!

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