Monday, March 4, 2013

Wildwood Park

What a fun weekend! The weather was awesome--it was actually sunny!!! We ventured out on our usual run by the river and decided to find a few new parks in the area. We stumbled upon Wildwood Park, which is near the hospital I'll be working at. Let me say that side of town is on a steep hill so the park is hilly, green, and lush. Plus on the drive up to the park you see Mt. Rainier and the mountains in Olympic National Park (we think). Your ears pop!

The park has two parts we like to run on. The first is a pedestrian only loop. The secondf inside the pedestrian loop is a trail that has different stations like a pull up station and a balance beam. Sunday, after Eli and I did the park we went into town and got coffee. The weather was so nice we enjoyed the coffee in the city park by the library. Observation: It seems like more people here have smaller dogs, specifically weenie dogs...some of them are pretty darn cute :) (Us in the park; Trail; Sign in the alley by the coffee shop--shout out HP fans!)


  1. DIAGON ALLEY!! I like this place already! Sounds like a fun weekend!

  2. I saw the sign and thought of you!!!!
